Drawings made during the discussions about voids.
Observations around the Kunstverein Tiergarten, looking for the voids.
An announcement about the sponsorship by the European Union stands in the street, in the void, cemented with beton.
Drawings made during the discussions about voids.
Observations around the Kunstverein Tiergarten, looking for the voids
Text on the drawing:
When a shop closes, is it a void or a possibility for something new, more interesting than a shop?
Large board in a shopping mole inviting for an interaction.
Seems like no one has Kreidezeit there.
Jades hand is seen in the scanner, where there should be nothing, a void.On this hand there are traces of the ink, we do not know for what this ink was used, we just see the leftovers of the working process. This is void in a void for me.
Bilder : Sophia Tabatadze